coComment Plugin

Integrate coComment on your SPIP web site

This plugin integrates the features in your website forum forms.

coComment is one of this new web 2.0 sites that did the blogosphere’s headlines a few times for it’s interesting new features.

This site provides a nice feature that will centralise all the comments a user makes around the web. Giving a simple way to follow what you have posted on blogs and the replies to your messages.

coComment is supposed to be able to understand where you are posting, extract the site title, the article title, etc. However, it’s not perfect and it’s a lot easier (for you, and for your site’s visitors) if you directly integrate the coComment tools into you forum post form.

This is where this plugin is useful, it’s very simple to install and will override the SPIP forum form to integrate the coComment toolbar under the posting form (at the preview stage), allowing your visitors to keep track of what they have said on your site.

While it simplifies your visitors interaction with your site, it is also very interesting as coComment will provide interesting data on similar articles around the web, where your visitors also comments, etc. Another source of information for our growing big brother souls.

The installation is easy:

plugin à installer
  • grab the plugin archive here,
  • extract it on your computer,
  • send (via FTP for example) the cocomment directory to the plugins directory on your site (create it if needed).
  • go to the configuration panel in the private area and active the coComment plugin. Clear the cache and your forum forms will now have the coComment toolbar integrated.

Note: This plugin might have conflicts with other plugins changing the forum form template, or with personalised forum form templates.

Overloaded files:

  • ecrire/balise/formulaire_forum.php
  • dist/formulaires/forum.html
  • dist/formulaires/forum_previsu.html

If you are a member of cocomment, come and join the SPIP group


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Avant de faire part d’un problème sur un plugin X, merci de lire ce qui suit :

  • Désactiver tous les plugins que vous ne voulez pas tester afin de vous assurer que le bug vient bien du plugin X. Cela vous évitera d’écrire sur le forum d’une contribution qui n’est finalement pas en cause.
  • Cherchez et notez les numéros de version de tout ce qui est en place au moment du test :
    • version de SPIP, en bas de la partie privée
    • version du plugin testé et des éventuels plugins nécessités
    • version de PHP (exec=info en partie privée)
    • version de MySQL / SQLite
  • Si votre problème concerne la partie publique de votre site, donnez une URL où le bug est visible, pour que les gens puissent voir par eux-mêmes.
  • En cas de page blanche, merci d’activer l’affichage des erreurs, et d’indiquer ensuite l’erreur qui apparaît.

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Este formulario acepta los atajos de SPIP, [->url] {{negrita}} {cursiva} <quote> <code> y el código HTML. Para crear párrafos, deje simplemente una línea vacía entre ellos.

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